Collect Payments for the Travel Agency Services, On Time

Collect Payments for the Travel Agency Services, On Time

  • Posted by
  • On January 29, 2015
Everybody who has invested money on the business has done that only to make profits out of those. Money is an important aspect to run or manage every business and by being in the travel sector, the travel agencies need to make sure that their business gets timely payment for the services they provide to the guests.

If the travel agency deals with many guests at a time, then it can at times be difficult for their business to keep a tab on payments from all the guests, whom they might have served at different periods. To make things convenient for everyone involved (both the agency and the guests), one needs to have a secure and user-friendly payment system, which could not only update one about due payments by giving an alert repeatedly to follow-up with guests, however it should also send reminder mails to the guests that their payment is due for a specific service.

This way, travel agencies would get to know who all require paying and who all paid already after availing the services from them. At times, due to lack of technology/system or security concerns, the guests/clients might be apprehensive about sending payment after the services received.

To overcome challenges of this sort, the travel agency needs to have an inherent payment gateway, which could promise secure payment dealings, be it through credit, debit cards or other banking facilities.

If the agencies have been having difficulty managing payment of services rendered, then they can think about adopting the WebCRS Payit system, which proved ‘a great success’ for many companies in the travel sector, already. The payment gateway incorporated with the system would help one keep a tab on payments of guests from a single dashboard.

The agencies can check the record/database anytime to see the collected and due payments of different guests. The Payit payment collection software would even remind the agencies occasionally regarding any payment request mails that they need to send to guests, who require paying.

With the WebCRS Payit system, the agency can send/email invoices (specifying service details) along with the link, which would enable the guests pay straightway by clicking the very payment link in a secure manner. The link would remain active only for a specific period, as if the guest fails to click it on time, the system would facilitate the agency with the option to resend the invoice with another payment link.

This way, travel agencies can even know the number of invoices they sent across to get payment and about the reminder mails that they need to send to guests, further. The payment invoices that agencies mail across will have the company logo, address and the terms of payment to make the guests comprehend the policy, better. At any time, the agency or the guests can take a printout of the invoice, if needed. Whenever the guests pay, they get instant confirmation and the money would ‘get credited’ automatically to the business account of travel agency, integrated with the system.

Anytime when the agency got payment from the guests, they would also receive automated SMS/email notifications from the WebCRS Payit system incorporated with their system. Hence, adopt the CRS payment collection software and never lose to keep track of the payments.


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